Hear and get Enlightened

Malayalam Islamic Class Room (MICR) would like to present TuneIslam to every one who is interested in learning about Islam from its authentic sources.

Prophets – الأنبياء – പ്രവാചകന്മാര്‍

About Us

Malayalam Islamic Class Room (MICR) would like to present TuneIslam.com to every one who is interested in learning about Islam from its authentic sources. TuneIslam.com has a wide variety of audio, video speeches as well as books and articles on Islam. We have made it very simple for our users to find the speeches either by searching by subjects or orators’ names. We strive hard to update the latest speeches and books on daily basis. We at MICR would like to request every one to include us in your prayers. Jazakkumullah Khair.

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  • Tune Islam Dawa Team
  • Whatsapp No: +91 8289939264
  • Email: info@tuneislam.com